Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Firstly, 2 nights ago i couldn't sleep. I went to bed and 3 and only fell asleep around 6-630. For those of you who know me well, you'll know I NEVER HAVE TROUBLE SLEEPING.

Secondly, just now i went to photocopy a friend's notes at FedEx Kinkos, one of those self-service machines. I only just realised that after copying everything i left the photocopies there. Waste $2. That was about 1.5 hours ago, i'm sure its been thrown away.

Third, i'm not eating much at all. Its like one or 1.5 meals a day. Wtf is going on? I don't even feel like eating anything. Its as if i subsist on air and books. I don't even drink water throughout the day.

Fourth, doesn't matter how much i sleep, i have difficulty waking up. My alarm rings, i turn around and reach over my desk to turn it off, i fall asleep on my hands and knees. WTF la.

Damn silly la recently. I think the midterms are making me behave weirdly. OR maybe it could be that i haven't been gaming at all, that somehow i feel that there's some sort of void in my life. I'm abstaining from all forms of computer games/video games except for fone games, and that's really taking a toll on my sanity. I can live without it, but i just wish that someone would just play so i can watch and regain my sanity. Seems everyone else has midterms too, and me not playing really discourages them. =
I'm going for office hours later for intermediate macro. Guess that's the trade off: being a conscientious student also makes me lose my bearings. I sure hope what i'm studying now is either

a. Going to make me a better person

b. Help me make some money

because if it's none of the above... Then i shouldn't be in school.


Blogger haoxiang said...

haha you sound like you need some game therapy...no shame!

Tue Oct 17, 08:11:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i got trouble sleeping/waking up too...definitely not just u lor! got like internal resistance somewhere... i think its to do with how @ peace u are... must get into zen mode or something to be truly rested.

Wed Oct 18, 02:05:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Kinfoong said...

indeed, indeed. thats why i've been playing "bubble breaker" on my fone. but that only gets me some peace. i'm so glad i dont have to pay for not playing wow hahahahah =P

Wed Oct 18, 03:13:00 AM 2006  

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