Sunday, September 24, 2006

Weekend again

Had a great weekend today, by normal standards. Spent some quality time with Estelle, rented 2 movies, one of which was "Y tu mama tambien", and that was rather interesting.

Bought new sheets from macys cos i got a new comforter and a new pillow. I decided that even though the bed was comfortable by army standards, i wanted to risk not getting up from a new and improved bed every morning, because having a good bed to sleep in is one of life's greatest "simple" pleasures.

Some homework to be done by tomorrow. But i'm blogging yet again. Well the homework isn't hard, it's just i lack the motivation to do it early. I'm not sure if its procrastination at work again (there's some truth in here) or something larger, but basically i need to figure out what i want from this experience. Somehow my conscious mind and my subconscious have very different ideas of what my life should be like, and that kinda makes me confused.

I've picked up reading as a habit over the summer. I now read books at a rate of maybe a book a week, and lately i've been focusing on nutrition, not just because i'm bored but rather i think there's alot we can learn from nutrition. Today, the popular mindset is to see a doctor to cure your diseases, but seemingly people have forgotten that prevention is better than cure, especially with regards to the body. Unfortunately reading about nutrition also means that i am now faced with the dilemma of choosing-- eating nutritious food that probably costs more or tastes less, or choosing not to care and suffer its consequences: because when you didn't know any better, it was much easier not to care. Its like people who drink or smoke: they know full well the consequences, but they choose it anyway. Would you favour having a proper diet and doing homework on personal nutrition or would you choose not to care?


i think i need to get work done now. its quite about time


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