Friday, October 21, 2005

seh gu gu

wat the ell man the description doesnt sound like me. Me being a musician for artistic expression? nah i think maybe poetry or painting rather. and me being rather prejudicial... thats far off. me being organised and systematic...

Its all so SAF... all bluff one.

Anyway i've been catching up on my friend's blogs for the past 3 hours (since i woke up cos spanish first thing upon waking up is really hard) and i decided i should end this spell by posting more about whats going on. I particularly enjoyed Zhonglei's entry about how we should be proud of Singlish as well as Rockson's latest post. And as always, love hanting's entries . Junlin's got a new blog skin and i'm inspired to start kicking KinsterPowers into action... Soon that is. As soon as my Spanish mid-terms are over.

Anyway, i decided not to take Spanish as a pass-fail subject. Crazy? Considering that i've laboured over it and strived to understand what the teacher was saying, at the rate i was going I'd be better off dropping the class. Yet, I cannot bring myself to accept a lower standard of achievement for a commitment i made in the pursuit of learning a foreign language. The most important reason for the consideration of taking it pass-fail/dropping it would be that i could surely pass Spanish i know, and a C-grade wouldn't hurt my GPA. I could devote more time and energy to the courses that really matter (at the moment nothing much, everything's even) and just ensure i Ace every subject I touch.

Perhaps I'm blinded by a mix of pride and envy. I'm extremely proud of my sister, for winning the Ambassador's Cup for German in her year, a testament to her dedication in her pursuit of interests. My pride tells me that genetically we should be comparable (being products of the same parents) and thus i believe that linguistically i should be able to fare comparatively well. I took up Spanish because I thought 1. It would be interesting. 2. It could open doors of opportunity in the American continents for business (if I even become an international businessman) 3. Japanese class was full (it was at first, i didn't think it) and i didn't want to change classes after one or two weeks.

I don't for one moment believe that i should run away with a pass-fail subject if i show signs of "i might not get an A" even though getting into Stern is an important thing for me and that i'll need a GPA of 3.6 or 3.7 (A- average) for a transfer from CAS to Stern. Its not that I don't have the time or capacity to manage this. I'm sure i can. Its just that i need to exact the change in my habits to manage this. Other students are required to take a second language for 4 semesters, I placed out with Chinese. They've got language too. Not that i feel that I cannot play on the field with an advantage of placing out for a language, but that there really isn't the necessity to do that. I don't know if a transcript with a GPA that says 3.8 with one pass fail subject will look as good as one that says 3.7 over four subjects. Its almost like the A levels thing. You only really need 3 papers, but does AAB look better than ABBB? On strict consideration, yes, but then its not solely grades that make the decision for the choice for admission.

They say that "Its the journey that matters, not the destination" but yet its at the destination that you achieve your desires. I know that as important as it is for me to get into Stern (so as not to be spending money on an education that cannot bring sufficient financial returns), its the process of achieving my grades. The process of engaging my brain in the different areas of thought and exploration. I'd like to think of myself as a well-rounded individual with a brain developed in the aspects of the creative arts as well as in the technical aspects of math and science. To involve myself in an attempt to knead my brain and challenge it with processing language and drama, yet at the same time with pinpoint precision process complex mathematical concepts and formula, with a logical sequence of progression in generating business plans and solving financial computations.

Oh, these dreams of attaining an aura of zhainess.

I hope that through this process of challenging myself, i will maintain within my subconscious self the desire to improve and excel; to be on top of things and in control of my immediate path; not to let minor obstacles throw me off course. I could be like that horse in Animal Farm, Boxer--Tell myself to work harder to triumph over my own situations. I could be more disciplined with time and allocate more free time for self studying, on top of homework. I could cultivate the discipline and dedication to excellence in personal endeavours. And when has that been a bad thing? Anyone who knows me well will know that it's impossible for me to be a no life mugger--i value other aspects of life far too much to dedicate my time in the US for grades by holing myself into a partition of my room and memorising whole textbooks.

I still remember the Rafflesian Principle of Honour--
In intellectual pursuit, i shall reflect DISCIPLINE and PASSION FOR LEARNING. And in personal conduct, i shall live in integrity and regard individuals, groups, and the community with kindness and respect, and in so doing uphold the Rafflesian Principle of Honour.

I guess it took a back seat when i was in RI and RJ. No real passion for learning (most subjects) and no discipline in doing tutorials. I probably left RJ with more tutorials undone than done (before the lesson during which tutorials are discussed).

Perhaps in this land of dreams, this principle would serve me well to remember.
Perhaps in this land of dreams, the rewards of a disciplined and impassioned individual will be reaped exponentially.
Perhaps in this land of dreams, I will find my true passion in life.
Perhaps in this land of dreams, I will sow the seeds of my dreams, that will manifest itself in the land i call home.

Oh by the way, if anyone's wondering what the title of this post means, its pronounced Sair2 gu3 gu2 as in "dazed cock". Or something like that.


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