Monday, October 17, 2005

first mid term result

Ok so the first mid term result i've received thus far:


and its not even a blardy A. Its an A-. kinda disappointed really, cos i was banking on aceing that one square, nail a 95 or something so no one can say i got an A by chance. Also to disprove Brenen that sleeping late doesn't do me any good. Well i got a 91 presumably cos of poor essay organisation, cos he said i put in alot of relavant points. Well i guess i won't really know till i ask me prof about it again.

in 20 min i shall be seeing my grade for my ECONOMIC STATS paper. I'm anticipating a crap result, cos as a result of putting too much into Spanish and WC Mid East i kinda neglected the 'easy math' bit of the topic. Turns out i was unfamiliar with terminology, and will probably only score an 80 or less. Good news is most people couldn't finish their papers, but then to xing4 zai1 le4 huo4 and hope that others suck so i scale upward is not the way to go... Must try to pwnxxorz the test and get that kinda marks that Kiats does so easily all the time. So. Wish me luck kids. I miss u guys all.

Last weekend was parents' weekend, but then i didn't get to meet old friends, much less parents. So... It happened again, the wasting of precious time surfing and doing the silliest things like rewatching a movie ive watched before on my computer and sh*t like that. So i gotta rethink my priorities. I like putting myself through some sort of struggle so that i may come out stronger, more worldly wise, and stuff like that. Then i can say "been there, done that" and be somewhat 'zhai'. But my plan keeps backfiring and i end up suffering the consequences. Struggle becomes bloody struggle, holding my breath becomes gasping for life. I can't gasp for breaks, i take them all when i don't need them. sighz.

ok more work to do. but i gotta go class now. tok to u guys later. Hasta luego, mis amigos!


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