Monday, November 17, 2008

Too Long

Its been 4 months since I last updated, so I guess that makes me a horrible person. So many things have happened since then. For one, I'm single as of 11 Nov. For another, I really really love playing mahjong with my Kakis at Stuyvesant town. No pictures yet, I don't have a camera and I'm way to lazy to import pictures from Facebook. Even though I guess I should.

Thanksgiving is coming and I'm not really going anywhere.. Maybe to Cornell just to get some quiet away from the city and explore the college town life that I never got to have.

School is about to come to a close for me and I don't know who what or where I'll be working (for/as/at). I guess it'll take some time for me to figure that out. Meanwhile, I should try to enjoy my last month and a half here right? While making sure I score well for my classes, of course.

I don't know why I don't blog anymore. Maybe I'm just no longer ever in the mood to chronicle my day or my thoughts.

Z: Tell me about you
K: No la I'm boring tell me about you
Z: We always talk about me, I want to hear about you
K: My life so boring, I'd rather hear about you. Your life is more interesting
Z: My life where got interesting? Yours is more interesting!
K: I think I know why we think each other's life is more interesting: If our own lives were so interesting we'd wake up in the morning, look at the mirror and say: "Wa so awesome I'm so interesting!"

Or something like that. Strangely it was funnier when it happened.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're my hero

Thu Nov 20, 05:04:00 PM 2008  

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