Friday, January 27, 2006

What does chinese new year mean to you?

when i was born, i had no concept of what chinese new year was about (duh)

when i was 5 (i think) i had a fight with sang at pohpoh's house. for what i don't remember. but i remember that as the only time i've ever been angry at him.

when i was 7, i remember that i loved collecting angpows. and i was always excited opening pohpoh's angpow cos it had the most money inside (besides from parents la)

when i was 10, i got hooked on the concept of gambling on new year cos its supposed to be a lucky time. Of course, it didn't occur to me then that everytime i won money someone had to lose some.

when i was 13, i really appreciated cny and what it was all about. the reunion dinner, the festivity, and the time spent together as a family. it was always nice getting new clothes and meeting up with the uncles / aunties that you don't see all the time. and the best time to meet the extended family is when they're obligated to give you ang pows. its a good excuse to have restaurant dinners too.

when i was 15, i contemplated not gambling cos i didn't feel that i needed to. it was like a disease... the "license" to gamble made us all go a little crazy every chinese new year. i even remember some of my cousins (no names here) gambling with chee ko pah and the finger chopping game (try to split the fingers). and i learnt that its a sign of respect to "zum cha" for pohpoh.

when i was 17, i realised the truth about washing hands and pineapple tarts. and i realised that when u know that its all about having a good time, you win money. oh btw ive never had a deficit in "income" every chinese new year. and not having feefee around kinda sucked.

when i was 19, i had my first chinese new year bald. having the chance to book out before 2 weeks were over were excellent. besides the fact that being in the army was a new chapter in my life, i really appreciated every moment when i didn't have to be in camp, when i'd get to spend more time with my cousins. Of course, this was also the first time i've had a friend visit during chinese new year =P a very special someone. not having meiyi around kinda sucked.

now that im 21, this will be the first time i'm not going to pohpoh's house for chinese new year. of course, AC is still here and i appreciate that alot. but i guess theres a first time for everything. i'm gonna have 2 reunion dinners this cny, one at ac's tml and one tonight (we cook ourselves). and i guess they sometimes say "close neighbours rather than distant relatives". but i still know this new year is going to be something special.

perhaps its all about feeling and knowing that ure family is there for u... even if u can't be physically there, i just know that i'll be missed. (YOU ALL BETTER MISS ME OK). and thats good enough for me.

so to all friends and family who have been visiting this blog, thanks for staying in touch with mylife even though i havent been updating much. can always mail me at or, whichever address u fancy. wish you gong xi fa cai, wan shi ru yi, bu bu gao shen, xin xiang shi cheng!


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