Tuesday, October 25, 2005


So irritating. It seems that a week won't pass by without me being happy throughout. My happiness in having obtained an A grade equivalent in Econs Stats yesterday was severely offset by the glaring B on my writing the essay paper. Damn, so much for my prof encouraging me to push it toward Mercer Street. Then again i hope its so that i will carry on to work on it to get the grade and reach the state that it truly deserves to be in... I'll stop here before i get commented on being too grade conscious. I can't help it anyway.

And this morning, i logged on to my blog to find that someone had posted some crap on it, sure as hell hope that he didn't delete/change anything that could prove incriminating in anyway with regards to anything.

You know how good or bad shit comes in threes? I'm just waiting to see what the third bad shit is. I hope it was getting 0-4 playing centaur just before lunch. Whatever, i won that game anyway.

Bargain of the day: a celeb magazine/trashy tabloid for 25c. Cheaper than a minute on the internet in Las Vegas!

Something to smile about then...

but i just dont feel like it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure u know exactly what is going into the calculation of your grade (e.g., finals, midterms, papers, assignments, class participation); and how much (weightage of each item). And then you'll know where and how much to concentrate your efforts. Sometimes they give a portion of the grade just for participating in class or completing class assignments on time, regardless of grade. Those sure get one, make sure you get them. If you get less than expected grade, make sure you go ask profs and TAs where and how you can improve. Or seniors and friends.

Mon Oct 31, 12:47:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like your sian headshots.

Mon Oct 31, 12:50:00 PM 2005  

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