Thursday, November 03, 2005


How i'm feeling at this moment:

Body: Tired

Mood: Happy

Mind: DirtyContent (come on i'm a guy and all guys are dirty somehow)

Spirit: Liberated

Why tired?--->cos i didn't touch my bed last night.. Stayed up to complete an essay for progression 2 based on a new text cos the writing centre said that my first attempt was crap and unoriginal and forced. So i changed the text etc.... Took no coffee cos i didn't want to feel that jumpy electric nerves thing. Instead i drank 3 bottles of Sobe drink (99c only for 0.591L and includes weird stuff like Ginseng and Taurine).

Why happy?---> cos after meeting my writing teacher in the morning, i presented her my new essay (crapped out and squeezed out). Then she asked me if i brought my essay, i said no, i did a new one cos the writing centre ppl said it was crap (i had to bring my earlier drafts to the writing centre, they'd help me with it and improve it) and i should rewrite it with some original idea. Then she tells me she thought i hit it spot on, it was so good that she gave it to the department director to read. So much for subjectivity and first drafts.

Why content?---> the week is over, looks like my writing mojo is still there, i ok-ed my mid east and spanish papers (i think) and looks like my writing teacher thinks this could be an A grade paper.

Why liberated?---> Weekend of cos feel more liberated la. Ah ba den... Besides the fact that i've less to worry about grades now... Just keep brushing up on Spanish, attempt to understand what goes on during Econs Stats lectures (which is really not that hard) and book my flight to Peru, read the texts for Middle East, finish up the Spanish work i know, edit Essay 1 and 2, finish my Econs Stats problem set, plan the courses and time tables for next week, settle my ATM card and bank deposits, go the gym, do some swimming, organise my ME notes and my Econs Stats notes, and thats about all there is for me to do this weekend.

Here's the part that my teacher really liked. She said that if i took it out of the essay, she'd take away a grade or 3 grades or something. Here goes:

The stormy weather was a nuisance to everyone. Patience wore thin in my apartment, tested by the whispering wind that whistled through the cracks in the building structure. The heater was down, and the only thing keeping the apartment toasty was an assortment of hot tempers and a can of coffee powder, the aroma of which permeated each room of my cold abode. The coffee kept my nerves twisted at the ends, zapping each synapse in my brain with an excessive charge for every thought that came to mind, the feeling of which was comparable to sitting on an electric chair with faulty wiring—an initial jolt of pain, followed by a heightened state of self-consciousness. It was coffee that kept me alive in college, that kept me company in obscene hours late at night, and that uncompromisingly worked its way into my life like email. For all its advantages, the downside to it was simply negligible in comparison. The coffee kept my eyes open in class, but sedated every cell in my brain. I hated coffee. It was essentially a superficial drug, a miracle drug that extended working capacity (or the looks of it), for the sake of working more, doing more, and being more. Yet, it was and still is an integral part of my college life, as it fuels the energy to satisfy my need to be more than myself. It was coffee, that gave my roommates and I the strength to look charming, think quick, react fast, and carry ourselves well. We consumed coffee like a designer drug and used it like mascara and foundation, to highlight the beautiful side of ourselves. We needed it to be beautiful in our own right. We still do.

Rating please? Post on the tag board thankz!

The funniest thing was that i didn't know how to begin an essay talking about this essay exploring beauty. It was late and i was pondering the possibilities of a solid introduction when i looked at the cup of coffee in my hand, its aroma grabbing my nostrils with all its worth, pulling at my senses, tugging at my cilia, grabbing my nose like a bull's nose ring. Hell yeah, i'll write about coffee. Its kinda like Kin and Coffee ~ Kumar and Weed.. except that i don't wanna marry a Coffee bean or anything.

i'll be giving tuition to kids again today. Did it last week, felt meaningful. After that, dinner at Hooters =P

Possible ball game on sunday, NY Knicks vs Golden State Warriors.

A relieved Kin
(sorry kiats stole ur blogname)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very nice crum. well done! sounds original to me =) So your teacher wanted to show your first draft or revised draft (the one the writing center wanted u to do) to the department/program director person?

Sun Nov 06, 09:28:00 AM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enjoyed reading your blog no dirty hokkien word. luv the paragrapha on coffee.

Sun Nov 06, 11:31:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Kinfoong said...

she did show the director my first draft. i edited it of course, and decided against the re-write cos i didnt like it half as much, cos it didnt explore as many issues as i had hoped. i'll rework this old draft and tune it well.

Sun Nov 06, 04:44:00 PM 2005  

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